Sports Bags,
Duffel Bags,
Sling Bags,
Gym Bags,
Tote Bags,
Conference Bags,
Document Bags,
Messenger Bags,
Seminar Kits,
First Aid Bags,
Bag Manufacturer,
Bags Supplier. Travel Bags,
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We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company to you that we are one of leading manufacturers of bags at various styles and materials over 30 years, with our factory in Laguna,Bulacan,Cavite and Batangas. Customers' own designs are welcome.
The sublimation bag is a customizable bag, where you can print personalized picture on the blank area of the bag to make it unique.
Minimum Order Quantity: (MOQ) 300 pcs.
(049 )3032907
This seller has been a member since: Sep. 11, 2017
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Total Classifieds: 36
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