About Us, MyBenta ~ Free Classifieds

MyBenta, Free Classifieds

About Us

Mybenta Logo Who we are?
MyBenta is a comprehensive classified ad listing site in the Philippines. It is the country's fastest growing online selling community with thousands of active Filipino online sellers. Sellers can create their own online stores and post their products and services for free. Buyers can search through a wide range of merchandise, and find trusted sellers and best prices. We do not charge nor impose any fees to post ads on our site. We believe selling online should always be free. No ifs, no buts. When we say it's free, it's 100% free.

What we do?
We are committed to provide a safe, fair and vibrant online marketplace through our seller feedback and verified seller systems. Buyers can post a seller feedback or a customer review after a transaction. This allows other buyers to evaluate, know, and get a feel of a seller they intend to deal with. As a result, sellers are then incentivized for making good on their deals and penalized, if otherwise.

Why us?
Seller advertisement position or ranking is based on relevance or how relevant is an ad to the search query. This allows buyers to easily find, browse, and choose from a wide range of options before making a decision. Buyers can also search for items by category, location or description. Sellers then benefits from high ad exposure by creating quality and informative ads, which will rank well not only on our site, but also on top search engines.

Why do it?
We pride ourselves on having created an online selling community that caters to the improvement and promotion of Filipino entreprenuership. Our site has and continue to help thousands of Filipino sellers increase their sales and earn extra income through their online presence on our site. These have been the inspiration we use day in and day out to better improve our services.

How can we help?
As always, we will continue the good work we have started. We only ask that, in return, you could help us spread our online selling community to your friends and family. As more buyers and sellers join our online selling community, the more we can expand our services to the greater public.

Cheers and happy posting,

Emmanuel Rey Mariano
Founder, Mybenta, Free Classified Ads
Online Selling Community

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We are one of the largest free online selling communities with thousands of active sellers.


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